Wednesday 15 July 2015

Heart Healthy Diet

There are three heart-healthy communities that was discovered as below:

1.  The Yanomami Indians

Yanonami Indian : Heart Healthy Diet

2.  The people of Okinawa
People of Okinawa : Heart healthy Diet

 3. The Inuit
The Inuit : Heart healthy diet

You can share the health benefits of the diets of these cultures by adapting their menus

#Note: You will need to substitute some of the foods.

 1. Yanonami foods
    • Fruit and vegetables (potassium-rich banana, carotene-rich mangoes, sweet potatoes, papaya and the starchy cassava or manioc, rich in antioxidant mineral manganese and vitamin C)
    • Frogs, land crabs, caterpillars and other grubs (high in protein and healthy omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B12 and C, folate and essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc, phosporus and iron)
    • Nuts ( rich in unsaturated fats)
    • Honey (contains vitamins and minerals plus high levels of friendly bacteria)
2. Okinawan foods
    • Shiitake mushrooms (for selenium and vitamin D)
    • Kombu / kelp (rich in iodine)
    • Vegetables (such as Chinese okra and green papaya, rich in vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients)
    • Sweet potato (rich in beta-carotene and has a low glycaemic index score)
    • Soya products (such as tofu and miso. lower levels of blood cholesterol, raise those of good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce harmful trigycerides)
    • Fish and lean meat (in small quantities)
    • Tumeric (high in anti-inflammatory, cholesterol-lowering curcumin)
    • Daikon /Japanese radish (high levels of enzymes that aid the absorption of fats and carbohydrates, vitamin C and phytonutrients)
3. Inuit foods
    • Sea mammals (hign in monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, and rich in selenium and vitamin A,D,E)
    • Oily fish (such as salmon and Arctic char)
    • Raw fish (such as frozen raw whitefish, thinly sliced)
    • Fermented foods (rich in probiotic bacteria that promote a healthy gut)
    • Wild meats and gamebirds (such as moose which are low in saturated fats, high in healthy unsaturated fats and rich in vitamin B,C,E)

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