Wednesday 8 July 2015

Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat

Hi guys!

For my first entry, I would like to share about tiny miny information on Adobe Photoshop.

What is Adobe Photoshop?
Well, Adobe Photoshop is a tool for you to create anything you can imagine with new design and photography features.

Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop was created in 1988 by Thomas and John Knoll. Since then, it has become the de facto industry standard in raster graphics editing, such that the word "photoshop" has become a verb as in "to photoshop an image," "photoshopping," and "photoshop contest," etc. It can edit and compose raster images in multiple layers and supports masks, alpha compositing and several color models including RGB, CMYK, Lab color space (with capital L), spot color and duotone.

Alongside Photoshop, Adobe also develops and publishes Photoshop Elements, Photoshop Lightroom, Photoshop Express and Photoshop Touch. Collectively, they are branded as "The Adobe Photoshop Family". It is currently a licensed software.

The major point I would to share is, the new 2015 Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat. You can learn all the cheat through the picture below. Enjoy and happy reading guys. A lot of information I would like to share in next entry. Wait up!!!!

Adobe Photoshop

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