Tuesday 21 July 2015

Blood pressure : how to control / manage

Known as the 'silent killer' because there are usually no symptoms, dangerously high blood high pressure may be revealed only after a check-up or more seriously, after a stroke or heart attack. These essential tips will help you keep your blood pressure in check.

So here are some tips for you:

1) Go purple - with potatoes

Blood pressure - controlling
    Swapping your usual white potatoes for purple varieties could help reduce your blood pressure by around 4%. To prevent weight gain, microwave the potatoes and serve them plain, say Scottish researchers. The purple pigments in these potatoes contain high levels of antioxidant plant chemicals called anthocyanins and carotenoids, which reduce inflammation and help keep blood vessels healthy. This small drop in blood pressure may be enough to reduce your risk of heart disease.

2) Have some chicken soup

Blood pressure - controlling
    The popular cure-all, chicken soup, could help in your fight against raised blood pressure. Researchers in Japan have found that chicken legs and breasts contain chemicals that act in a similar way to ACE inhibitors (a group of blood pressure-lowering drugs). If your blood pressure is on the high side, try dosing yourself with chicken soup, but keep taking any prescribed medication.

3) Have a siesta

    If stress is causing your blood pressure to soar, a 45 minutes nap could help keep it on a more even keel, according to a US study. The researchers found that a daytime sleep seemed to have restorative effect on heart, especially in people who slept badly in night. Try in on weekend if you work in a daytime away from home.

4) Keep caution of fast food

Blood pressure - controlling
    Processed foods are prime source of salt in our diet and excessive salt intake is a leading cause of raised blood pressure. Common salty culprits include savoury snacks such as ready meals, sauces and packaged quick meals such as noodles and casserole mixes. Many types of cheese are also high in salt, so look out for low-salt varieties.

5) Try  pomegranate juice

Blood pressure - controlling

    A daily tumbler of pomegranate juice may help to reduce your blood pressure suggests a small study carried out at Queen Margaret University. It is thought that pomegranate juice contains compounds that have a beneficial effect on raised levels of cortisol, the stress hormone produced by your adrenal glands, which can contribute to high blood pressure.

6) Eat kiwi fruit

Blood pressure - controlling
    Eat kiwi to lower blood pressure. Eat kiwi on their own, sliced into fruit salads or whizzed into a smoothie. But do not be tempted to swap them for your medication.

7) Take a dip 

Blood pressure - controlling
    Swim for 45 minutes three to four times a week to bring down high blood pressure, say US researchers. This make arteries became more flexible. The study suggests that this   low-impact exercise could have a big impact on your health.

8) Know your numbers and save you health

    Getting to know your blood pressure should be an essential part of your strategy to               safeguard the health of your blood vessels and reduce your risk of heart attack and many     other health problems. Below are pictures of my own blood pressure test that I bought for     my parents.

Blood pressure - controlling
Blood pressure - controlling

Monday 20 July 2015

The Shore - Part 1 : Sky Tower

Hi peeps,

Today I would like to share new place developed in Melaka, Malaysia. Melaka new attraction place. Of course it is not as great as other places in other country. But it is worth to try once in a lifetime. First let me introduce about Melaka new shopping gallery called The Shore.

The SHORE Shopping Gallery's location is right on the river cruise/monorail route and opposite the Eye of Melaka, just a short drive away from the heart of Melaka's historical sites, the well-known Jonker Street and Chinatown where tourists throngs. 

The stylish lifestyle-tourism focused shopping mall is a destination in the heart of Melaka City, home to over 100 splendid stores with an area size of 300,000 sq ft.

The Mall features modern, elegant architectures, harmonious landscaping and a bevy of services to make it a shopping paradise for all ages.

Customers will find themselves stepping into & discovering an impressive selection of restaurants, a multitude of international and local fashion stores and excellent retail finds to satisfy every shopper's need.

Owned by Kerjaya Hotel Sdn. Bhd., a subsidiary of Kerjaya Prospek Group, The SHORE is part of the integrated development of Melaka City, situated on a freehold land facing the Historical Melaka River. It is also an integration of a comprehensive development that consists of for major components namely The SHORE Shopping Gallery, The SHORE Resort City, The SHORE Service Residences, the 4-star Swiss Garden International Hotels and the world's longest Oceanarium Complex which bring out a vibrant environment for business, shopping and dwelling in the heart of magnificent Melaka.
Opening hours: 10.00 am - 10.00 pm

In this post I would like to share one of an attraction place in The Shore, The Sky Tower. You can see a nice view of Melaka. The view will more interesting at night. You can see Melaka River, Melaka Monorail, Morten Village, sea & etc. See the pictures below.

Sky Tower : Map

Sky Tower, The Shore

Sky Tower, The Shore

Sky Tower, The Shore

Sky Tower, The Shore

Sky Tower, The Shore

Sky Tower, The Shore

Sky Tower, The Shore

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Heart Healthy Diet

There are three heart-healthy communities that was discovered as below:

1.  The Yanomami Indians

Yanonami Indian : Heart Healthy Diet

2.  The people of Okinawa
People of Okinawa : Heart healthy Diet

 3. The Inuit
The Inuit : Heart healthy diet

You can share the health benefits of the diets of these cultures by adapting their menus

#Note: You will need to substitute some of the foods.

 1. Yanonami foods
    • Fruit and vegetables (potassium-rich banana, carotene-rich mangoes, sweet potatoes, papaya and the starchy cassava or manioc, rich in antioxidant mineral manganese and vitamin C)
    • Frogs, land crabs, caterpillars and other grubs (high in protein and healthy omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B12 and C, folate and essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc, phosporus and iron)
    • Nuts ( rich in unsaturated fats)
    • Honey (contains vitamins and minerals plus high levels of friendly bacteria)
2. Okinawan foods
    • Shiitake mushrooms (for selenium and vitamin D)
    • Kombu / kelp (rich in iodine)
    • Vegetables (such as Chinese okra and green papaya, rich in vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients)
    • Sweet potato (rich in beta-carotene and has a low glycaemic index score)
    • Soya products (such as tofu and miso. lower levels of blood cholesterol, raise those of good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce harmful trigycerides)
    • Fish and lean meat (in small quantities)
    • Tumeric (high in anti-inflammatory, cholesterol-lowering curcumin)
    • Daikon /Japanese radish (high levels of enzymes that aid the absorption of fats and carbohydrates, vitamin C and phytonutrients)
3. Inuit foods
    • Sea mammals (hign in monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, and rich in selenium and vitamin A,D,E)
    • Oily fish (such as salmon and Arctic char)
    • Raw fish (such as frozen raw whitefish, thinly sliced)
    • Fermented foods (rich in probiotic bacteria that promote a healthy gut)
    • Wild meats and gamebirds (such as moose which are low in saturated fats, high in healthy unsaturated fats and rich in vitamin B,C,E)

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Closer to Pluto!


Nasa has released the most detailed picture yet taken of dwarf planet Pluto, captured by the New Horizons spacecraft.
Taken from a distance of 8m kilometres, the relative close-up of the icy world on the fringes of the solar system was sent back to earth on 8 July.
A distinct heart shape can be seen in the corner of the image, which was transmitted following a brief communications dropout over the weekend.
It has been a nine-year wait for the spacecraft to edge close enough to Pluto send back pictures.

Pluto. Photograph: Nasa/Reuters
 The picture of Pluto sent back from New Horizons shows a distinctive heart shape.

“The science team is just drooling over these pictures. If you look at the new pictures now, it’s already five to six times better resolution than what we’ve been able to get before”

Recent days have also seen the publication of fresh images of Pluto and its moon Charon.
Pluto and Moon Charon. Photograph: Nasa/New Horizons
Pluto and its moon Charon, taken from Nasa’s New Horizons spacecraft on 8 July, with colour information from the Ralph instrument added.

The satellite has a similarly cold climate but the differences end there; while Pluto has an atmosphere, Charon does not. Frozen water exists on the surface of Charon, while Pluto is thought to be covered in frozen nitrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide.

New Horizons will speed past Pluto on July 14 with its scientific instruments gathering data.
As well as taking pictures, New Horizons is taking samples of the solar winds and magnetic fields in Pluto’s vicinity, as well as measuring atmospheric dusts.

Pluto has five known moons. Four of them – Nix, Hydra, Kerberos and Styx were discovered in the past decade by the Hubble space telescope. Charon was discovered in 1978 and is almost half the size of Pluto itself.
Pluto was discovered in 1930 and thought to be the solar system’s ninth planet, but was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006.

Health Secret: Believe it or not!

  • Parental divorce affects longevity 
Broken families can have devastating effects on child's long-term health. Parental divorce during childhood emerged as the single strongest predictor of early death in adulthood in the Longevity project, a US research study. Of course, you can’t rewrite your parents’ past. But if this applies to you, it can provide an added incentive to reduce the impact of the health risks that are within your control.

Parenting divorce

  • Easter Island may hold an anti-ageing secret
A natural antibiotic found in the soil of Easter Island in the Pacific could be key to holding back the years. US scientists have found that rapamycin (after the island’s Polynesian name, Rapa Nui) has properties that may extend our average lifespan, and it could pave the way for the development of an anti-ageing pill for humans.
Health Secret: Easter Island
  • Silk slows skin ageing
Sleeping on a luxurious silk pillowcase can iron out those wrinkles. While bedding made of cotton and synthetic fibres tends to absorbs moisture from the skin, natural silk has the opposite effect. It helps to lock in the moisture, helping to protect against lines and wrinkles.
Health Secret: Silk for anti-ageing

  • Tango can help Parkinson’s
A US study found that twice-weekly tango lessons helped people with Parkinson’s disease to improve their balance and move more smoothly. The study supports other research suggesting that tango can help people with the disorder. If you have Parkinson’s, consider joining a local tango class.
Health Secret: Tango for Parkinson

  • Seaweed could prevent tooth decay
Substances in seaweed may form the basis of a new generation of products that protect against cavities. This discovery was made by a team of researchers from Newcastle University in the UK working on new ways to keep the hulls of ships clean. They have found that an enzyme in bacteria called Bacillus lichenformis present in seaweed may counter the cavity-causing bacteria in dental plague. These enzymes may in the future be used in mouthwashes or toothpastes.
Health Secret: Seaweed for tooth